B5tec at USA!
With the imminent launch of the first metal-free superbattery #REDCAP, B5tec continue to take the necessary steps to internationalize its operations.
How could it be otherwise, after Europe, our main objective is USA. For this reason, we have participated in the SelectUSA2023 event. The activity has been tremendous, impressive. Great news will come from this event for us.
Marisa Lago (Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade in the US) and Julissa Reynoso (US Ambassador in Spain) thank you for such a warm welcome and support to the Spanish Delegation. And of course, also to the Spanish embassy in Washington DC.
#REDCAP #beyondlithium #selectusasummit #selectUSA2023 #EmbajadoraReynoso #SubsecretariadecomercioLago